Frequently asked questions

If you don't find the answer you're looking for here, please contact us directly at and one of our customer service agents will be glad to assist you.

    • I've never used a job application service before. How does it work?

      First, you'll complete our Job Seeker Quiz which helps our AI build out a customized personal profile based on your resume, search preferences, and qualifications. From there our AI and our team of Data Specialists will work together to sift through millions of job postings, quality control the matching process, and apply to positions that are the absolute best fit for you.

    • Will I be able to see where you applied?

      Yes, your member portal has a tab that includes all of the jobs we’ve applied to on your behalf. The position, company name, and a link to the job description will be included here.

    • Do I have to be legally authorized to work in the United States to use WeApply?

      Yes, you have to be legally authorized to work in the United States in order to use our service, as we are only applying to US based roles at the moment. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

    • Is this a free service?

      No, this is a premium service designed to provide a cutting-edge alternative to traditional methods of searching for work. Our platform is designed to save time and effort while maximizing results.

    • Is this an automated service?

      Yes, this service is fully automated. We sift through millions of job postings, carefully identifying the best matches for you, quality control the results, and then apply on your behalf to the best-fitting positions. Upgrade your career by taking our Job Seeker Quiz today.

    • What roles do you specialize in?

      While we will be able to help you find most roles, searching for highly specific, niche jobs is not what this service is designed for. In order to uphold the highest standards of service, we need enough job openings available online to be able to apply to at least 100 jobs (our Sapphire Package) minimum. This ensures that there are enough applications to land you at least 6-18 interviews, with a chance at 1-2 serious job offers.

    • Do you tailor my resume?

      No, we do not tailor resumes, instead our proprietary algorithm seeks out the best fitting opportunities for the resume that you upload to your profile, avoiding the need to constantly make changes to your resume.

    • What are the benefits of working with WeApply?

      Our AI-driven algorithm simplifies the job hunting process. WeApply provides preference and qualification-based searching, matching, and automated applying for roles that you are best suited for. All of this is done without you having to lift a finger after initiating our service.

    • Why does your lowest package start at 100 applications?

      Our research suggests that it takes roughly 100 applications in order to land a serious job offer. While our service is optimized to attain better averages, submitting 100 applications ensures that our members have the best possible results using our service. It also ensures that WeApply concretely delivers on our mission: to put millions of job seekers on a path towards better employment.

    • How long will it take to fulfill my order?

      When you take our Job Seeker Quiz we will suggest an order fullfillment of 30, 60 or 90 days, depending on your package selection.

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